What is Crowdtesting?

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Crowdtesting has established itself as one of the most innovative methods in the quality assurance of digital products. Real users are used under real conditions to test software, websites and apps. This is done before a product is launched on the market or during continuous product development to ensure that it is user-friendly and error-free.


Broad device coverage and real users

The particular advantage of crowdtesting lies in the broad device coverage. As testers from different regions work with different devices, operating systems and browsers, the digital product is tested on a variety of platforms. This allows you to ensure that your product works perfectly on a wide range of devices - from smartphones to tablets and desktop computers.

Real users also offer the advantage that they approach the test without bias and therefore uncover any errors that internal teams may have overlooked. This ensures an objective assessment and leads to real, usable feedback.


Cost savings through crowdtesting

Another key aspect of crowdtesting is the cost savings. As you have access to an external crowd, you save yourself the expense of setting up an internal test lab. The flexible and scalable solution enables you to find suitable testers depending on the scope of the project and target group without having to invest in expensive hardware.

In addition, there is no need to maintain a comprehensive set of test devices. The external testers provide their own devices and test environments, which significantly reduces your operating costs.


Fast feedback for optimization

Crowdtesting provides you with quick feedback, that you can view in real time on a platform. This advantage is particularly valuable when it comes to identifying bugs or improving usability. As the testers are usually available 24/7, you can carry out tests at any time and respond to the feedback promptly.

With the right testing strategy, you can shorten the time to market for your products and at the same time ensure that they meet the requirements of the users. Direct feedback from testers helps you to correct errors at an early stage and adapt your product optimally to the needs of your target group.


Crowdtesting as a driver of innovation

The crowdtesting method not only offers a flexible and cost-effective option for quality assurance, but is also a driver of innovation. By using real users and carrying out tests under realistic conditions, your digital product is put through its paces. At the same time, you gain insights into the actual needs and expectations of your target group, which helps you to improve your product in the long term.

Crowdtesting thus combines a number of advantages: comprehensive device coverage, cost savings, quick feedback device coverage, cost savings, quick feedback and the opportunity to continuously improve your product. By involving real users, you can ensure that your product is successful on the market and meets customer expectations.

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