Customer Experience Testing

Your Advantages


  • On-demand or ad hoc testing with preparation times of days instead of weeks


  • Improved user experience
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Only real users test from the user's perspective


Cost Efficiency
  • No contract commitment
  • No upfront payment
  • You only pay for tests you order


  • As many users as necessary through easily scalable crowd
  • Testing on market- and target group-specific devices


  • Securely store functional test results and videos
Illustration einer Person, die ein großes Notizbuch hält, symbolisiert Tagebuchführung und End-to-End-Tests von Hardware- und Softwarelösungen.

End-to-End Test / Diary Study

Our community keeps a diary and checks your hardware, software and the associated interfaces from start to finish.

Classic end-to-end tests are a combination of hardware and software tests, for example. Processes are tested across applications and hardware from the first to the last step (e.g. for IoT solutions or telematics systems). Our crowd testers keep a diary over a longer period of time and provide you with valuable feedback ojn your solutions.

Illustration von drei Personen, die verschiedene Interaktionen und Touchpoints darstellen, symbolisiert Customer Experience und Customer Journey Testing.

CX & Customer Journey Test

Accompany your customers on their personal journey.

Optimizing individual customer touchpoints improves the user experience and retains your customers in the long term. But what about the customer journey? Does the customer experience actually meet the customer's expectations? Perhaps the shopping experience via the online store is rated as optimal, but the returns process as suboptimal. With the help of our community, we can help you gain a 360° perspective on your customer journey.

Illustration einer Frau neben einem Laptop mit Chatbot- und KI-Symbolen, symbolisiert das Testen und Trainieren von KI- und Chatbot-Systemen durch die Crowd.

Artificial Intelligence & Chatbot Test

Let the crowd test and train your AI, chatbot or voice recognition assistants.

Whether AI systems, chatbots, voice assistants or document recognition - all these technologies require mass data training to test the underlying rules and optimize algorithms. Unleash our crowd to challenge your systems.

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Frau im Rollstuhl hält ein Smartphone und hebt eine Hand, um eine Information anzuzeigen, symbolisiert Barrierefreiheitstests für IT-Produkte.

Accessibility Test

Check the accessibility of your IT products and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Accessibility expands the range of users in which people with different abilities can access digital services on an equal footing. Accessibility also enables compliance with legal regulations worldwide. Is your service accessible?

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Customer Journey Tests – 360° Perspective

Gain in-depth insights into the customer journey of your customers and find out how they experience your company.
In contrast to studies that only examine one customer touchpoint, customer journey tests examine several touchpoints at once. Whether at the point of sale, delivery or after sales - your customers have high expectations in terms of service quality and a flawless shopping experience. Improving these aspects strengthens customer loyalty and leads to a better conversion rate.
With msg.passbrains, you get a 360° perspective on the customer experience and receive the necessary feedback from real users.

1. Ordering Process

Payment Processes

2. Order Confirmation

E-mail Confirmation
Delivery Information

3. Delivery

Delivery Quality
Delivery Accuracy

Grafisches 360°-Diagramm mit dem Logo von msg.passbrains in der Mitte, symbolisiert umfassende Analyse und tiefgreifende Einblicke in die Customer Journey durch die Untersuchung mehrerer Touchpoints.

4. Customer Portals

Customer Registration
Contract Information
Service Offers

5. Service Portals

Product Activation
Product Registration

6. After-Sales Processes

Service Center
Ticket Systems
Contact Forms