Crowdtesting in the Context of Payment Processes - How msg.passbrains Takes Payment Testing to the Next Level

by | Payment Testing, Special Services

The payment sector is undergoing significant transformation, with increasing complexity in the requirements for banks and payment service providers. With the shift from PSD2 to PSD3 by 2026, the introduction of ISO 20022, and the growing importance of Open Banking, banks and payment service providers face new challenges. Discover why crowdtesting is invaluable in the payment sector and the unique benefits msg.passbrains' modern testing platform offers.


Why Crowdtesting is Crucial

Payment transactions are a critical focus in the financial sector and must be reliable, secure, and user-friendly. A faulty transaction can have severe consequences. Banks and payment service providers must thoroughly test their systems and APIs to ensure they operate reliably. The transition to ISO 20022 and compliance with PSD2 and the upcoming PSD3 require extensive adjustments in company systems. How can such complex systems be tested effectively?


The Crowd as the Key to Successful Testing

Crowdtesting involves real users with real devices and bank accounts in the companies' testing processes. Why is this so important? Because two critical areas cannot be tested automatically:

  1. Interface Functionality: Banks and payment service providers need to ensure their APIs work flawlessly in payment initiation services. Only real customers can confirm that their transactions run smoothly and that all operations are executable on their respective devices and browsers.
  2. Correct Display: Account information services are a crucial part of Open Banking. Ensuring that account information is correctly displayed for customers is of utmost importance. This, too, can only be verified by real users under real conditions.


Making Payment Tests Easy

msg.passbrains sets the foundation for an impeccable testing experience with its modern platform. Testers work with various device types, browsers, and accounts. The test results are recorded on the platform, accumulated, and finally compiled into reports for the client.

msg.passbrains offers a range of tests specifically for payment processes:

For payment initiation service providers (PISP), testers perform micro-transactions and subsequently check if the transactions were successful. When testing account information service providers (AISP), they verify if the account information is displayed correctly. The evidence obtained from these transactions and account information is invaluable for banks, e-commerce operators, and payment service providers. This, combined with the qualitative feedback from testers, plays a crucial role in quality assurance.


The Advantage with msg.passbrains

In addition to professional crowdtesting, msg.passbrains provides further consultancy through msg for banking. This ensures that our clients' payment systems meet the highest standards and fully satisfy their users' expectations.



In the payment industry, reliable payment systems are crucial for success. Crowdtesting is key to ensuring that transactions work and account information is displayed correctly. msg.passbrains offers a comprehensive 360° service to meet these demands.

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