Bitcoin + Co. - Crowdtesting Solutions for Crypto Trading Platforms

by | QA, UX

Driven by their value increases and the growing application of blockchain technologies, the interest of private and institutional investors in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is steadily increasing. These technologies open up a wide range of possibilities in everyday life through digitalization and tokenization. However, trading platforms for digital currencies and assets face the challenge of ensuring intuitive use, security, and functionality.


Core Challenges for Crypto Trading Platforms

Security and Trust: In the financial sector, security is paramount. For private investors in particular, crypto platform operators can only build trust in their product by implementing advanced security measures and iterative testing procedures. Load and performance tests, as well as penetration tests (pentests), are effective for simulating load capacity and cyberattacks. Providers in the crypto space must comply with various regulations , such as the European MiCAR regulation, to protect investors from cyberattacks and mitigate risks. An essential part of the security strategy is the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, which verifies customer identities.

User Experience (UX): While institutional investors often have a high level of expertise and may consider user experience less critical, user-friendliness is crucial for private investors. The success of a trading platform can hinge on this factor. Studies show that young individuals, particularly those without experience in the crypto space, are drawn to intuitive and easy-to-understand platforms. Clear user interfaces (UI), simple trading processes, uncomplicated transactions, and accessibility are key features that build trust. Advanced platform operators utilize user testing and feedback loops to continuously improve their services.

Diverse Hardware and Software: Alongside the growing number of platforms, the number of mobile apps and hardware offerings, such as hardware wallets, is also increasing in the cryptocurrency industry. Crypto apps are particularly popular among private investors for trading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This trend results in a higher number of device combinations (device type plus operating system) that need to be tested to cover a wide range of devices.


Optimal Test Coverage Through Crowdtesting

The Human Factor: The factors described highlight that iterative testing measures are indispensable for actors in the cryptocurrency environment to build increased trust and higher customer satisfaction among investors. Crowdtesting is becoming increasingly important in the test plans of the mentioned providers. The reason is obvious: who else could assess usability, comprehensibility, and clarity better than the users themselves?

UX Tests: Providers of trading platforms and services are increasingly focusing on user-centered design. They continuously gather feedback from users, implement it, and thus steadily improve the user experience. Through prototyping and usability tests, platform operators ensure that new features meet the users' needs. With the help of the crowd, various UX test formats (written, qualitative, quantitative, or video formats) can be covered. This allows providers to obtain the desired feedback from real people who conduct tests on their real devices.

Quality Assurance: Regular automated and manual tests are essential for identifying malfunctions. Structured and exploratory bug tests by the crowd complement the quality assurance strategy and contribute to the continuous improvement of the platform.

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