Automated Test Case Generation with AI: optimizes your test process
In der Softwareentwicklung sind präzise Testfälle essenziell, um die Qualität und Funktionalität einer Anwendung optimal auf den Prüfstand zu...
Why Crowdtesting and Usability Testing are Essential for Digital Products
Digitale Produkte stehen im Zentrum vieler Geschäftsmodelle. Unternehmen investieren viel in Entwicklung und Design, doch wenn ein Produkt an den...
Mass Data Testing for AI: Quality Assurance with Crowdtesting
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) muss nicht nur präzise, sondern auch skalierbar, robust und fair sein. Damit KI-Modelle zuverlässig funktionieren,...
Chatbot Testing: How to Ensure Quality and User-Friendliness
Chatbots sind intelligente digitale Assistenten, die über Textschnittstellen mit Nutzenden kommunizieren. Sie kommen in zahlreichen Branchen zum...
The Difference Between Load Tests and Performance Tests
In der modernen Softwareentwicklung sind Stabilität, Geschwindigkeit und Skalierbarkeit entscheidende Faktoren für den Erfolg digitaler Anwendungen....
Crowdtesting in the Healthcare Sector
The digitalization of healthcare is bringing about a fundamental revolution. Technologies such as the e-prescription, the electronic...
What is Crowdtesting?
Crowdtesting has established itself as one of the most innovative methods in the quality assurance of digital products. Real users test software, websites and apps under real conditions. This happens before...
Artificial Intelligence vs. Crowdtesting: Is AI enough for fast iterations?
In the dynamic world of software development, time is a precious commodity. Fast iterations and continuous improvements to products...
Targeted IT sales activities: Understanding the potential customer's target group thanks to user research
In IT Sales, it is crucial to understand the needs and challenges of your future customers in order to develop a successful sales...
The Power of Usability Tests and UX Research
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the success of any product or service depends on the ability of the...
Innovative Crowdtest in Usability Lab
In Braunschweig, we carried out an innovative lab test with our crowdtesting service msg.passbrains, in which we analyzed the interactions of...
Embracing Crowdtesting for Quality Assurance
In the age of rapid digital change, the quality of software products has become a linchpin for the success of companies.
Bitcoin + Co. - Crowdtesting Solutions for Crypto Trading Platforms
Driven by their value increase and the growing application of blockchain technologies, the interest of private and institutional investors in...
Load and Performance Testing in Software Development: the Key to Peak Performance
How do you ensure that your software meets the high expectations of users and the demanding requirements of the market? Load...
Crowdtesting in the Context of Payment Processes - How msg.passbrains Takes Payment Testing to the Next Level
The payment sector is changing and the requirements for banks and payment service providers are becoming increasingly complex. With the transition from PSD2 to...